
Why AI is the key to transforming construction finance

Process automation saves companies time and money and improves data accuracy and efficiency, resulting in better-run businesses. Read on to learn what financial automation can do for construction.

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Completing a construction project on time and within budget is a massive undertaking. It requires many moving parts and people to be in sync and communicating effectively. Unfortunately, the bigger (and more expensive) the project, the more opportunity for profit-effecting changes to happen and the more likely critical, timely information will fall through the cracks.

So what can be done to help construction companies meet their deadlines and work within budget? AI is the answer. More specifically than AI, the answer is robotic process automation made for the complexities of the construction industry. What’s that, you may ask? Robotic process automation (RPA) is the use of bots to complete programmable, repetitive tasks. Essentially, RPA can improve data accuracy and efficiency, streamline workflows, and help you run a tighter business. Let’s dig in.

Boost speed and efficiency

Labor shortages are a real issue at all levels of construction. Implementing bots can alleviate some of the pressure. For example, RPA can help your accounting department process invoices and input vast quantities of information. Automation bots can work 24/7 so once trained on the task at hand, a bot can keep working all night long. Now the time-consuming repetitive work can be completed at a consistent pace and the people in the department can use that time on more high-value work. 

With process automation, there’s no build-up of invoices and days lost from migrating data from paper to the cloud. Using technology isn’t about replacing people, it’s about optimizing your resources to help your business perform better. 

Increase accuracy and quality

One Briq client says the accuracy of our bots is 99%. That’s an impressive statistic and not achievable by people — especially not at the scale that the bots can run at. The reason for this accuracy is the preparation work done before running any bots. For robotic process automation to work, the process to be completed has to be mapped out exactly. What data is needed, where is it found, and what happens to it all needs to be clearly defined and coded, but once this is complete, the RPA can run and run and run without missing a beat or mistyping a digit. This level of accuracy will save vast amounts of time and headaches at every month’s close.

RPA means your departments are more productive, timely, and accurate. Inefficiencies are greatly reduced so deadlines and contracts can be completed in a much more timely manner. For construction, having access to more accurate and quality data allows everyone, from project managers to CFOs, to map out more accurate projections and make better business decisions. 

Improve productivity 

Completing construction projects on time and within budget requires coordination of all operations, heightened communication and collaboration, and access to timely information. RPA can help with all of this. Because bots carry out tasks precisely, complex workflows can move forward with minimal friction as data is shared across multiple channels efficiently. There’s no need to wait for an email or end-of-the-month reports as data is updated consistently and tasks are completed and moved along automatically. Optimize critical back office work and keep a check on the real-time health of your business thanks to process automations keeping your business working 24/7.

At Briq, we believe AI can help construction, but we need to stop looking at AI as one big fix-it and understand that it is most effective and powerful when tailored toward one industry. Construction is a unique and complex industry so a technology made for retail or hospitality cannot be expected to work effectively in our industry. That’s why we made Briq. It’s software made for construction, by construction tailored to address the challenges of the industry. 

Our financial automation technology is able to draw data from your legacy systems and give you the tools to make intelligent predictions and decisions from it. Want to learn more? Arrange a demo with our team.