Business Development

How Automation Gets Your Workflows Moving

Briq provides customized automated financial workflows that improve efficiency, speed projects, strengthen collaboration and improve transparency.

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We all know the adage: water always finds a way. Wouldn’t it be great if work ran as unrelentingly reliable and smooth? Unfortunately, chokepoints almost inevitably occur in the flow of work, and projects slow down, sometimes to a trickle.

Processes and tasks in a workflow tend to follow each other sequentially, and that often leaves one worker waiting on another to complete their tasks before moving onto the next stage. One process gets held up and, without a good workflow management system, one can find themselves in what feels like an endless waiting game, costing time and profits. Even worse, in construction, a poor workflow can result in missed deadlines and the resultant consequences and financial penalties.

That’s why it's so important, especially in construction, to have a solid workflow management system that automates workflows and keeps projects on track. In this blog, we’re going to look at four huge advantages that automated workflows provide construction companies.

1. Leave no process incomplete

A good workflow management system takes information from other systems and software used across the organization (for example CRM or ERP systems) and lets you arrange, track, and coordinate all the necessary steps and processes towards achieving the result — usually a finished project. Responsibilities for each task, and the steps involved, are precisely laid out so mistakes become minimized, and nothing is ever missed.

2. Cue up stronger collaboration

An automated workflow management system smooths out the lines of communications. Everyone knows their roles, and the system connects the right people to the project at just the right time. In addition, because hand-off between employees is automatic, it alleviates conflict-inducing tensions that can otherwise form as one waits for another to complete their part of the project.

3. See more transparent operations

One of the most important things a robust, automated workflow management system can do is provide visibility into what’s working and what (or who) isn’t. Problems in the workflow can be identified and course corrections can be easily taken. Teams also gain a clear picture of how their work impacts others across the project, leading to even better collaboration and a greater sense of responsibility. 

4. Meet the need for speed

The rapid-paced demands on the construction industry show no signs of abating any time soon — if at all. An automated workflow helps here tremendously. It speeds up project work because once one stage is completed the next triggers and begins automatically. Redundant tasks are removed, and repetitive ones are automated, increasing productivity and efficiency, and moving projects forward even faster. 

It's important to remember that each construction business’s workflows are unique to its processes and infrastructure, particularly when it comes to finance. That’s why a platform like Briq, which automates financial workflows while being customized to your business, is so well suited to achieving the benefits we just looked at, plus a few more. 

By incorporating automation into your workflows, you will have a happier and more productive team, and projects will be rolling along like water.

Want to learn more about the benefits of automated workflow management systems in construction? Check out our recent eBook on the topic

Or, if you’d like to see Briq in action and learn more on how it can automate your workflows today, visit to get a demo from our experts.